Winter B21 Crossings Newsletter

Winter B21 Crossings Newsletter

Home is… how you define it!

It definitely is WHERE THE HEART IS and also a place to flourish, grow and recharge!

As 2023 comes to a close, Bridge21 wishes to thank you all for rallying alongside us. Creating a place for young adults with intellectual disabilities to call home remains a challenge but our community grows and deepens with the commitment to a shared goal where our friends and loved ones can FLOURISH in the future.

We commend the parents who have solved this issue for their adult children yet there must be a community-wide solution and network. Our loved ones deserve a broad umbrella where we can support each other, many bridges leading to meaningful endeavors, and a shared road that leads our community back HOME at the end of each day.  

Fall B21 Crossings Newsletter

Fall B21 Crossings Newsletter

Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude… Was Jimmy Buffet talking about emotional highs and lows?

In this season of my life, “nothing remains quite the same”… My son, the youngest of four, is officially in “Post High” at the Park City Learning Center.
Back to School days are on pause for our family. There was no school shopping or class schedule to learn. We have instead been applying to Workforce Services and Vocational Rehabilitation (Voc Rehab). He is learning to schedule and use High Valley Transit and the Mobility Bus. Preparing for independence has kicked into high gear!

With such a short post-high schedule Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 8-11am and Thursday 8-3pm and no school on Fridays we have a lot of hours to fill (or not) as he awaits approval for a job coach (Voc Rehab) and then finds an internship with a local business (Workforce Services)…you can’t have one without the other, so we wait.

August B21 Crossings Newsletter

August B21 Crossings Newsletter

Hope you all had a wonderful summer of rest, recreation, and good times with family and friends!

Bridge21’s summer has been filled with new friends, Buds&Blooms, Hangouts at the park, field trips, and open houses. Thanks to everyone for joining us and making this season so sweet! Our commitment to building a vibrant community grows stronger each day as we work towards making housing options a reality. It is a most worthy goal and our population deserves a place in Park City to call their own!

July B21 Crossings Newsletter

July B21 Crossings Newsletter

They say the days creep along, but the years fly by – and here we are at the end of July already.

Just 4 months ago we were all hoping the tremendous amount of snow would stop and now we are looking for a break in this heat.

I want to take this opportunity and share a few important milestones on our journey toward housing.

4th of July Parade in Park City

4th of July Parade in Park City

Bridge21 had the privilege of walking down Main Street in Park City for the parade.

A BIG shoutout to Scott Shulman for putting together our amazing float. What a fun experience getting to share Bridge21 with the local community. Hopefully we created some more awareness for the good we are looking to do here in PC.