Fall B21 Crossings Newsletter

Fall B21 Crossings Newsletter

Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude… Was Jimmy Buffet talking about emotional highs and lows?

In this season of my life, “nothing remains quite the same”… My son, the youngest of four, is officially in “Post High” at the Park City Learning Center.
Back to School days are on pause for our family. There was no school shopping or class schedule to learn. We have instead been applying to Workforce Services and Vocational Rehabilitation (Voc Rehab). He is learning to schedule and use High Valley Transit and the Mobility Bus. Preparing for independence has kicked into high gear!

With such a short post-high schedule Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 8-11am and Thursday 8-3pm and no school on Fridays we have a lot of hours to fill (or not) as he awaits approval for a job coach (Voc Rehab) and then finds an internship with a local business (Workforce Services)…you can’t have one without the other, so we wait.